Reach Towards New Height

Foundations Of Management and Environment

Every Excellent Company we studied is clear on what it stands for, and takes the process of value shaping seriously. In fact,we wonder whether it is possible to be an excellent company without clarity of values and without having the right sorts of values:Peters and Waterman

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Build Your Nation

Expanding Frontiers Of Management Knowledge

History is a record of human progress,a record of the struggle of the advancement of human mind,of the human spirit, toward some known or unknown objectives: Jawaharlal Nehru

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The Environmental Context of Management

Business environment is multi-layered, multi-dimensional, and interwoven in which concrete events and abstract ideas intertwine to create business scenarios and issues.The Dimensions of business environment can be classified into two broad categories:Internal and External. The Essence of Business is outside itself:Peter Drucker

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Planning and Decision Making

"Good Intentions Do not move Mountains;bulldozers do.The mission and the plan are the good intentions; strategies are the bulldozers":Peter Drucker. "Where there is no vision, the people perish":Proverb

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Managerial Decision Making

"Life is an art of Drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises":Samuel Butler. The most Fundamental function of management is decision making.Effective decision making requires an understanding of the nature of problems to be solved and an assessment of the situation in which the solution has to be sought.

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Introduction to Management

Managerial skills and competencies are key to organizational success. Managers play a significant role in facilitating organizational effectiveness. Thus, organizations need managers who have both the insight to see and understand the nature of organizational problems, and the skill and ability to develop strategies for the survival and growth in the present competitive world. Through their work, managers not only make their organizations more effective and competitive, but also contributes to nations economic development and prosperity. Good management is to an organization what health is to the body: the smooth efficient functioning of all its parts. The job of managers is, undoubtedly, very challenging.
In this blog I will help you by explaining the concept, principles, process, and functions of management. We will look at what managers do and what skills and abilities they must develop if they are to manage their organizations successfully over time. We will also identify the different kinds of managers that organizations need and roles of these managers in different contexts. Finally, the Emerging Concepts and issues in Management will be Highlighted.

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